Plan B App for Android review

Have you lost your beloved Android gadget? Are you struggling to recall where you left it last? Are you frantically searching for some sort of clue or answer? Cease worrying, assistance is at close quarters because – especially in this modern age – for every mishap there’s an app! And that application happens to be “Plan B” developed by Lookout, a leading mobile security services firm based in San Francisco.

Review App Plan B for Android

Plan B app for Android is an intelligent and dynamic application which, when used with Google’s web enabled services, pinpoints the location of your missing Android device and helps you recover the same. Also Plan B is a totally free application to download and use. Read on to find out more and how you can implement Plan B; this elucidation will also amply demonstrate the application’s highlights and strengths:

The name and back-story

Plan B is so called as it is the follow up application to Lookout’s comprehensive “Lookout Mobile Security” suite, which is referred to as Plan A as it requires preloading on the Android device. Plan B’s specialty is that it is downloaded and can be used after the device is lost or misplaced, regardless of whether the user has preinstalled Plan A or not.

Compatibility and conditions

Intelligent location detection and Android recovery with Plan B app

How to install and use Plan B

So now, thanks to Plan B, you can carry your Android device with confidence. But don’t forget to install Plan A and be on the ‘lookout’ for other great security apps!

Robin Mckenzie has been writing articles related to Technology News, Gadget Reviews and How To’s. Also, he does guest posting for, a site that offers great savings and up-to-date information on consumers broadband internet and cable at

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