Afraid of Loosing Your Android Mobile Phone? Here is the Solution

With the evolution of anti theft mobile security for android devices, you are rest assured that your android device is secured. Your device being secured does not mean if you carelessly throw your phone inside water it wont damage or if you carelessly misplace your phone were no one can find it, it won’t get lost.This anti theft system works only when the sim card inside the android device is change. You know what this means? As long as your sim card is still intact, the anti theft will not mark your phone as lost. Now let’s get down to business.

protect your smartphone with android apps

Anti Theft features of Avast Mobile Security

When someone steals your phone and don’t have the intention of returning it back, he will certainly change the sim card of the phone as not to be disturbed by the original owner. This is where avast anti theft comes in. If avast app is installed on your lost android mobile phone, it will immediately capture the new sim and IMEI numbers and send it to the 2 of your friends of whom you pre inserted their number on avast anti theft app as friends to contact. Once you get the numbers, call your service provider to track the number for you or rather use lure method. Believe me it will be hard for the thief to notice that your luring him because the avast anti theft icon will be hidden in your android mobile phone.

When using lure method, It is worthy of note that you must not let the let the person  know that you are the rightful owner of the phone. Once your phone gets loss, and you receive the number form avast. Just wait like 3 to 4 days and dial the number. If the  person picks the call DO NOT SAY HELLO FIRST!!!. Listen to his /her voice. If actually is a he and you are also a he, appeal for the help of your female friend. This time when your female friend calls, she should request for a date from this thief guy. Believe me no guy will refuse this offer. And if you are a guy and the person that stole the phone is a lady or vise versa, just request  a date from her and lo and behold you’ve caught the thief.

If your phone has 3G (front) camera, avast anti theft can also capture the person face and send it along with the numbers.

Note: This is only available for premium users.

To Download this app, visit any android market and search for avast anti theft.

Good luck.

I am pro-blogger and I like what I do. I currently own Technology World and Online money making creed.

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