The highly intuitive, fast and slim iPhone 5 — the latest offering from Apple, has been launched officially with much pomp and fanfare at Apple’s San Francisco headquarters. But what has yet not been demystified is whether iPhone 5 is the greatest of all cellphones made by Apple ever. But one thing is for sure that the latest offering from Apple is not a game changer. More so for smartphone manufacturers like Samsung that rely on Android, Google’s mobile operating system, there is nothing to fear. Here is why.

Following On
The iPhone 5’s specifications, most notably features like 4-inch Display screen, an iSight 8-megapixel camera, new processors (with speeds twice as fast as iPhone4), greater internal storage options and customized features like LTE, have been there in Android enabled phones for months now. For example features like LTE, have not yet received widespread acceptance amongst users in major cellphone markets of the world. Therefore, even though it may be a big plus point for users and fans alike, to get to experience blazing navigational speeds, but for the rest LTE as a feature doesn’t evoke much sense of utility. As for Android enabled smartphone users, they have been relishing smooth performances of the dual or quad-core devices, intuitive display with large viewing icons, VoIP services of the multifarious mobile apps and a fast internet connection. Hence, the purported new features of the iPhone5 are nothing but a follow up of similar features existing already on Android phones.
Lower tech-savviness of iPhone5 vis-à-vis Android Smartphones
In spite of a litany of high-tech features claimed by Apple, iPhone5 lacks some basic tech-savvy features like messaging, chatting & surfing the net simultaneously. With ultra-fast browsing speeds, thanks largely to 3G & 4G spectrum, it is really disappointing for Apple fans not to be able to multitask on their iPhones. On the contrary, Android seems to have cashed in by incorporating some of the most high-tech features imaginable for smartphones. Specs like Google wallet that allow users to enjoy mobile payments, excellent support for high quality digital photography, quad-core processors and NVidia Tegra 3 chips have created a niche market for android smartphones. Additionally, one of the biggest plus points for Android users is the wide range of smartphone with varying degree of interesting features available with them.
Apple has dedicated more time publicizing the new camera features on the iPhone 5, in comparison to battery life and other crucial hardware details. Although aggressive advertising maneuvers garner greater consumer attention, but there is nothing spectacular in the current offering from Apple that may prompt an Android enabled Smartphone clambering to respond. Whereas, previously smartphone manufacturers went on a tizzy every time Apple released a new phone, but now it seems they are ready with their own, equally capable of garnering sufficient consumer attention.
Markets are already anticipating launch of the Droid RAZR Maxx from Motorola and other Android enabled smartphones. Moreover, the challenge is no longer restricted from Android alone, since there is the Nokia Lumia 920, along with the latest operating system from Windows Phone8 that are trying hard to gain market leverage and reduce the hegemony of Apple and Android considerably
Kate is a writer blogger. She loves writing, travelling and reading books. She contributes to the Gaia Movement USA.
Reasons Why Android Need Not Fear the iPhone 5,
Gulraiz Mohsin
Feb 01. 2013
No need to fear an apple
Feb 01. 2013
Apple will be apple, King of all devices. There is no chance of Android to defeat ios in the market. We all love apple products.
Biron Clark
Feb 13. 2013
I agree! I could name more reasons too probably. Especially Samsung phones.
iPhone app development
Feb 20. 2013
Apple is king of all Smartphones and not a chance for Android.
Feb 23. 2013
the competition is good for us as their customer
Mar 30. 2013
Only an iDiot will go for an iPhone instead of Android
Sep 07. 2013
I think Android now grow enough not to fear iOs anymore.
Especially Samsung, the created a marvelous Empire with greatest devices in the world.
Sep 15. 2013
Samsung is the major smartphone king
Jan 04. 2014
Thank you nice :))
Jan 07. 2014
samsung has recently made out better, but apple is really a very different firm deserves the credit.
Jan 09. 2014
I use samsung galaxy s3. but I want iphone. Because in android store I can’t dowload each application.
Iphone is the best for my opinion.
Jan 29. 2014
Both Operating Systems have their own fan following, and in my opinion both the OS are good.
Mar 02. 2014
Yes android has its own fan base and so has Iphone, but in future there might be a tough competition and for Apple it’s gonna be tough as android market is increasing.
Mar 14. 2014
While both of them are good, apple’s each new launch have been pretty much the same as their previous versions. Not much of innovation going on.
Apr 14. 2014
Android is better than Iphone, we can install more applications and we have more freedom. Of course Iphone has good devices but we can pay less when we buy Android smartphones.
May 21. 2014
Yes true Android should not fear from ios 7 and above.
Jun 20. 2014
very nice helpfull article
Jul 03. 2014
Apply Is a king of smart phone.
Kunal shah
Aug 02. 2014
Very Very Useful Articals..
Oct 22. 2014
Android always need not fear Apple, because Apple sells the mobile with the brand name and the cost is high. But Android does in an efficient way with less cost.
(I am a Symbian user)
Mortoza KONOK
Nov 22. 2014
iPhone is iPhone. But Samsung is better. I like both.
Dec 07. 2014
iPhone are the top selling devices in the U.S. market, but … in Asia … Android still no 1.
Dec 20. 2014
Apple have selective products and they are premium. Android has variety and it fits all not like Apple. Other than that both works great.
Irasad Umar
Jan 24. 2015
That was nicely written. I really enjoyed your post. It is very useful and helpful article and look forward to reading many more.
Thanks for posting:)
Irasad Umar
Oct 05. 2015
Thanks for sharing this
I have an android and have often wondered to switch
but after reading up on this I have changed my mind
Thanks again
Nov 10. 2015
I love Android!
Nov 30. 2015
what a great information.. but am still love with HTC Android !!! <3