How AI Can Make Your Systems Safer and More Secure in the New Age of Cybersecurity?

The most evolving technology in this world is Artificial Intelligence. Before getting into the importance of AI and how it has completely transformed technology, let us discuss what AI is in detail. AI also impacts and optimizes e-commerce website development greatly.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Broadly speaking, there is a program that does something smart. It is literally present everywhere and can refer to anything from a computer program playing a chess game to a voice recognition system like Alexa and Google home interpreting and responding to speech. The term AI started in the 1950s, and there has been huge growth in this field from the past five years.

How AI Can Make Your Systems Safer and More Secure in the New Age of Cybersecurity?

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Improvements in the computing world have brought a revolution in AI. The idea of intelligent mission is there since 1300 BC. Formal research of AI is considered from 1956. The idea and definition of AI were first coined by John McCarthy, a professor from Dartmouth College. Here is the first definition of AI:

Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can, in principle, be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.

In a simple definition, AI is a machine that tries to solve problems that are usually done by humans. All the business companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft are investing heavily in AI.

Disciplines of Artificial intelligence (AI)

As AI is a very broad area, rather than trying to build intelligence, a system is built that can grow its own intelligence. This created a discipline in AI called machine learning.

Machine Learning

It provides machines to learn based on a huge amount of data by finding rules and patterns, to make analyses and predictions based on the data. It aims at providing machines with the ability to learn without explicitly programming. ML also influences cross platform mobile development.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning which focuses on the area of algorithms that was inspired by an understanding of how the brain works to obtain knowledge. It is also referred to as a neural network with multiple hidden layers.

Ways in which AI can make Systems Immune to Cyber-Attacks

Here are some ways in which AI can make systems immune to cyber-attacks.

Identification of Threats

AI combines traditional threat intelligence along with machine learning to recognize the threats. This usually results in a better and more effective system of threat identification. ML can also be used to spot any abnormality. It can warn users of a threat before it could compromise important data.

Analyzes Data Deeply

One of the primary areas where AI can assist cybersecurity is by responding to threats immediately. While it is impossible for humans to analyze every website, AI can do this easily. It is possible to rely on AI solutions to assess every visit to the website.

So as you can see, AI solutions can help solve major cybersecurity threats thereby making our online world safer. It is important to invest in AI-based software solutions to protect your personal data.

Author Bio

Prashant Pujara is the CEO of MultiQoS Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a top React JS Development Services USA that specializes in ecommerce development. His responsibilities include managing business and delivery operations, as well as strategic planning and the development of future road maps.

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