Review for Samsung Galaxy Note Edge in India

Samsung has typically been a gimmicky manufacturer and the South Korean manufacturer sure has a winner with the Note Edge. In its “phablet” class of phones, designed to straddle the typical table and phone user segment, the Edge is equivalent to Note 4 in functionalities, but triumphs with its curved design. An android phablet, this was released in November 2014, and has sold more than 6 lakh units within this time.

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

Features of the Note edge

The key features of the note edge in terms of hardware, software and apps are similar to its sister, the Note 4. Some of the key features are:

Differentiators of the Edge

Although identical to the Note 4, a Review for Samsung Galaxy Note Edge will reveal that the Edge has a few upgrades, particularly in the side bar. Some of these are:

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

The verdict in India

India has received the Note edge with mixed reactions. A Review for Samsung Galaxy Note Edge in India will suggest that this is a model for the consumer who doesn’t mind spending his money for the right features. Although globally launched in November 2014, in India it has been launched only in Jan 2015, and it is indeed premature to comment on its success. Samsung has confirmed that this is part of its ‘limited edition range’, and targets a global shipping of only 1 million units. In India, it is available in 2 colours, Charcoal Black and Frost white. So, if you don’t mind spending cash for a high performance phone with an “edge “, the galaxy note edge is sure to delight you.

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