Backlinks are the links of the other websites on a post or on a webpage. These links are used to keep the track of the posts that are related to your article. Suppose an article writer finds some interesting posts while writing his own page then he can refer to those posts by providing the backlinks. These links are conceptually related the one webpage to the other for the sake of simplicity and the integration of the similar information.
SEO and link building strategies
Backlinks are quite an important part of the blog posts and online articles for SEO. There can be various suggestions on how to include backlinks and what type of backlinks should be used. There have been some backlinks that Google hates quite a lot. Such links should be avoided on your web pages in order to achieve the strong SEO. The list of all backlinks that Google wants to stay away from are described below.

Paid Links:
There should not be any paid links on your website as it involves unnecessary business between the various sites. Links that offer prizes to the readers who consult your web pages are also disliked by Google.
Un-Natural Backlinks:
The backlinks should make some sense into the linkage of the websites or posts. The linkage should be natural or correlated instead of just for the purpose of advertisement. For example, a post about the hair transplant may include the backlinks of hair treatment clinics. However, using links to the games may be a wrong idea and strictly prohibited by Google.
Automatically Generated Links:
There shouldn’t be any code running in the background of the website that generates links to the other pages automatically. These links act as pop-ups and are considered quite threatening by Google.
There shouldn’t be any advertisements on your site that transfer the virus or other malware to the users. All the links should be checked before pasting them on your website. Also you may include the ads of your website on others’ pages. You should disable the option of following your links to avoid being considered by Google as a manipulating act.
Optimized Anchor Text:
It is hard to find the optimized anchor text in most of the articles. However, you can enhance the keywords density by including the links to other pages whose names are keywords for your article. This process is strictly prohibited as it creates so many links and only a little text. This process is considered spamming by the Google SEO.
Footer Links:
Blogs writers also have a habit to include the footer links on the web pages that resemble the keywords of an article. The inclusion of such backlinks should not be appreciated.
Spammy Comments:
It is habit of some people to get involved into a hot discussion on a forum. They may share links to their own pages to divert the attention of the other comment writers from the actual topic. Sometimes, it is seen that comments contain spam links that harm the PC of the person who opens these links. All such backlinks should be avoided.
Reading suggestion: 5 Myths and Misconceptions About Linkbuilding
There was a time when blog posting was a simple tool and at that time, building blog posts and comments on your web page was enough to ensure the high search engine optimization rank. Now major updates have been introduced into the Google’s algorithm to rate an article that keeps a close eye on the links attached in various posts. Google, as said by some experienced writers, is moving towards over optimization and Unnatural links ranking recovery. There were some link building techniques in the past that created a huge rating for the articles and now the same methods are considered as spamming. Google’s algorithm is advancing day by day to avoid spamming at the cost of effective websites link association.
What Sorts of Backlinks That Google Does Not Appreciate?,
Oct 29. 2013
Thanks for your sharing these useful seo details
Oct 30. 2013
Thanks for your words Steffi.
Nov 01. 2013
hey you share such a nice information i want to know that back link generate from commenting is familiar with Google or not ? also for organic seo.
Dec 15. 2013
These tips are really tremendous. I think it would be effective for all. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope everyone like these tips as me. Keep it up.
Dec 15. 2013
Thanks Jissan.
Jan 08. 2014
Thank you for sharing. Great post
Jul 16. 2014
very informative Post , Thanks for very important informations.
my question is: is SEO died if not how to get backlinks. thanks again