Helpful Tips When Shooting with Anamorphic on Red Monstro

The taller sensor of the Red Monstro makes it the perfect device to maximize the use of kowa anamorphic lenses. In addition, anamorphic takes advantage of the pixels on your sensor in the best possible way. Good thing there are some proven ways to enhance these features that will de-squeeze your footage while capturing the squeezed image on the monitor.shoot Anamorphic with the Red Monstro

How to Shoot with Anamorphic on Red Monstro

Every professional cinematographer understands the importance of using anamorphic lenses when shooting film projects. This is particularly essential if you’re producing films in a wider format. Here are some of the best ways to shoot with anamorphic on Red Monstro:

In case you did not choose to use the 2:1 option, de-squeezing is still possible in post. For instance, the previews in your camera will be taken down. However, if the monitor de-squeezes without you manipulating it, then it’s okay. Just make sure that your lens creates 4:3 image within a 16:9 film frame. On both sides, it will leave visible black bars that won’t affect your footage.


Shooting on Red Monstro can be a challenging feat if you are not aware of the basics concepts of imaging. If that’s the case, follow the options provided above in order to achieve the type of images you want to produce with your shooting project.

It might be a complicated process to combine anamorphic lenses with your prime lenses using Red Monstro. But once you carry out the basics, you can successfully create the most cinematic images that represent quality and sharpness.

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