Today, smartphones are already considered to be necessities, and with good reason. People use smartphones for a variety of purposes and these include calling, texting, web browsing, emails, gaming and many others. Those who have oceans between them are brought together by this innovation and those looking for sources of entertainment are amused by the different games and applications that a smartphone can run.
Undoubtedly, a smartphone is essential in our day to day lives. From the most basic calls to the more intricate PBX management, smartphones play roles that are vital to our daily routines. Some people even have a hard time imagining life without this technology. They do make life easier but like any other good thing, there is a bad side to this device and to technology in general. If you do not yet realize, smartphones can actually bring so much chaos into your life and here’s how:
Reading suggestion: Role of Gadgets in Our Life

Losing Focus
Smartphones may be useful but they do take away your focus from the more important things you need to pay attention to. You probably know that experts do not advise people to be on their smartphones while driving and the reason is pretty obvious; you cannot serve two masters at the same time. Aside from obviously putting your life in danger as well as your passengers’, you are also putting all of the other people on the road with you in harm’s way and that is not very nice. Driving while texting, whether you are on an old Nokia or on your expensive smartphone is dangerous and could kill you in a snap which is why it is only rational for smartphones to be banned while driving.
Reading suggestion: Living Life with Technology
There is actually a law in some states and countries that penalize this negligence. Aside from driving, your smartphone has all your favorite games which lure you into playing Plants vs. Zombies 2 instead of working on your writing assignments. This is when you find will yourself cramming at the last minute, which is pretty stressful. Would you want all that stress?
Stolen Credit Card Information
You should know by now that a criminal mind finds ways how to cheat, steal and lie to others. They find new ways as to how they could bypass the system no matter how foolproof you think it is. Honestly, there is no such thing as a foolproof system because clever people with bad intentions still find ways to get away with their bad deeds. A perfect example would be some of the smartphone apps that were created for the sole purpose of stealing all your data without your knowledge.
This works in various ways. Some apps, when installed onto your smartphone, collect all your data and transmit it to a server, while others are being used by hackers who stand next to you at the bus stop while their device gathers all the information stored on your smartphone.
Personal Relationships Suffer
Smartphones have made getting in touch a whole lot easier and the growing number of Internet hot spots all over the globe has also made it possible for people to track and follow one another. It is like being in a Big Brother house where people know what you do or where you are. The ease of communication used to be just an advantage but when you work more than 8 hours a day, six days a week, and your stress level could be quite difficult to suppress, you might pass this on to people who are in constant communication with you. You may not have personal issues with these people but the stress that comes from other aspects of your life may be inflicted on them just because you are always in touch.
How Smartphones Can Bring Chaos to Your Life,
Sep 11. 2013
yes, smart phones and the vast amount of interacting gadgets surely can disturb as well as help us
Sep 11. 2013
I can’t agree with you more.
We can obviously see few disadvantages that Smartphones provided.
Firstly, losing focus, i think that people nowadays prefer checking their notification to their works, every times and every where.
Secondly,security problems, imagine your phones can be hacked and all your private information stolen. very dangerous.
Last but not least, you are losing your connection with friends and family if you spend too much time on your smartphone.
Thanks for your information.
Stephan Wu