Using SEO and Social Media to Expand Your Business into new Markets

You’ve heard stories of entrepreneurs who had a lemonade stand as a child. They stepped into the world of small business with a full pitcher, a few lemons, a bag of sugar and a cardboard sign.

Now, like most successful business owners, they looked at their lemonade stand and asked themselves an important question: “How do I make this bigger, how can I expand?” In 2013, the answer is literally a search bar away.

Get Off the 5th Page Of Google

Every business needs to think about Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.

If someone is looking for a pizza place, a tanning salon, or an intellectual property attorney, statistics show that 59% of people use Google to find new businesses. Virtually none of those potential customers search past the first page, so it is crucial for any business to create a plan for SEO and increasing their placement on search engine.

social media and seo strategies to expand you startup business to new markets

A good place to start is Google’s Own SEO Guide, but it’s a good idea to seek out an online marketing professional specializing in SEO in the industries where you wish to expand.

Reading suggestion: How to use social media to attract more visitors

Make Intentional Social Media Posts

online marketing strategies for your business growth and visibility

Let’s go back to the lemonade stand. How do you cultivate an online presence that helps that lemonade stand get into other neighborhoods, cities, countries? By following the four C’s :

  • Constantly

  • Create

  • Compelling

  • Content

People want to see new and interesting things. Your Facebook posts should interest the customers, and when you’re looking to tap into new markets it should interest those customers.

A post from the Green Street Lemonade Stand saying: “I’m at the store buying lemons” doesn’t interest lemonade drinkers as much as “Green Street Lemonade Stand’s juicing Process is healthier and environmentally friendly.” Then you start to attract not just your neighbors, but people watching their weight, environmentalists, local business enthusiasts, etc. Try and make sure everything you post online is grabbing a new customer in a new place.

Suggested Reading: Positioning in Google – Internet Marketing Guide

Bring in a Professional

If you’ve never been to Spain, Tel Aviv, or Brazil, then you won’t know how to market to them best.

If you aren’t already an SEO master, find someone who is knowledgeable in getting the types of rankings you need. If you want to expand internationally make separate sites for each site. Make every effort to find a business consultant who helps companies expand into new markets.

Take a look at Scott Gelbard’s Resume, this is the type of experience needed to make the impact and expansion every small business desires.

Taking a simple lemonade stand from the streets to an international chain requires a lot of things, but you have to:

  • Pay attention to your online presence

  • Push into new markets utilizing professionals in those areas

  • Be interesting and relatable to current and potential consumers

SEO and social media are powerful tools for growth of any business, use them effectively and that lemonade stand of yours will have shareholders in Japan in no time. What do you think about expanding into new markets by search engine optimization? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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