#1: Identify Business Goals
Each social media strategy help you to achieve your goals. As you were not going onward until and unless you know the direction, you were not going forward.
So for that firstly understand your company needs then decide how you plan your social media marketing strategy to target your objectives.
As it is understandable that all goals were not included initially, actually there are some goals which include in the strategy, which include product acknowledgement, strategy to retain customer and also minimize the cost of marketing.

First, set your goals and objectives.
I also suggest that write two primary and two secondary goals and work hard on that goals because too many goals will distract your path, which cause no goals will achieve.
#2: Set Marketing Objectives
Goals will not be work until you will not set the particular parameter for that, it help you when it achieve. Like if any goal will increase your sales and lead then how many leads and sales will you produce to determine that goal.
Marketing strategy explain how you get from initial point to the end point successfully. So for that define your goals with SMART approach: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
Measurement is important to your strategy.
Quoted the above example, if your goal and objective is to make sales and lead, a particular marketing strategy is increase your lead by 50%. So to calculate your success use different analytical tool for that.
Also make objective according to the company need and resources. Spend more time to define your goal so that it is up to the requirement, you can take help for other executive and assure that it is directly toward company vision.
Make a chart of time and task, which define when you will complete that task or goal like this month, by the end of the month or year? And so on.
Your goal to achieve a 50% lead is specific, measurable, achievable and relevant nut if you do not fixed the deadline for this goal, your cost, resource will move in a wrong direction. It’s actually a wastage of resources of the company.
#3: Identify Ideal Customers
If a company face problem due to low social profile management, it is happened because they do not have an ideal customer profile.
Buyer character will help you to target your customer in the right place, at the right time and at the right location.
First of all after targeting customer identify the age group buyer, their occupation, interest area, salary, likes, dislikes, habits and needs. Which become easy to target that customer on social media.
A buyer persona is a fictional character, not a real one!
The more specific and particular your goal, the more helpful to promote your business in one direction.
#4: Research Competition
When you join social media marketing, then search your competitor so that keep watching their activity, so that put more efforts for that.
So create a list of minimum 5 strong competitor then identify which social media networking they are using and check their content. Also check total number of fans and followers, who posted, like, command and share their post and on what time.
Also focus on which type of content they post and the context of their strategy and how the fans and followers was interacting on the post.
The most vital thing is to understand that how they engage people with different activity.is the admin measure the rate of engagement on the different post.
For instance, let’s say you are looking at a competitor’s last 20-30 Facebook updates. Take the total number of engagement activities include likes, comments, share and etc. for those posts divide it by the page’s to the total number of fans. You can use this formula on all of your competitor’s social profiles.
Remember that measurement help you to analysis the actual picture of your concern.
#5: Choose Channels and Tactics
Now a days different business make an account on all social media networking sites without knowing who give more return.
If you analysis determine that your customer will spent more time on Facebook then twitter then definitely you determine your primary and secondary social networking sites.
If your customers are using a certain network, then you will need to their not everywhere.
Your strategy for every social channel rely on your goals and objectives, as well as the best practices of each platform.
Hub Spot’s use Facebook properly to generate lead.
Like if your objective is to increase your lead and your social networking site is Facebook, then some useful strategy is deliver in Facebook advertisement and a campaign should run.
#6: Create a Content Strategy
Content and a social media has an interdependent relationship, if the content of social media is useless then no one will read and visit your site. So use them together to reach your customer.
As there are three main element for a successful social content which are: type of content, time of posting and frequency of posting.
Buffer is helpful to target the audience and to understand what type of content they want.
There are many training that give a certain time when you post on social media. But I also recommended these are just a suggestion not a hard and fast rule to implement all.
Posting rate is as important as the content you share on your company sites. No one want to irritate your fans or followers, as this is so?
#7: Allocate Budget and Resources
Look all the strategy that lead toward company vision then assign the social media marketing budget.
Now create a list of those tool you need during the marketing like CRM, social media monitoring tool also assign budget to those services that you will be outsourcing Dissertation Help website designing and advertising. Calculate the annual project cost.
Most of the business create their budget first then choose which strategy which compatible to that budget. But some goes in an opposite direction.
In case when your budget exceed as you set then arrange your strategy according to the time and their return.
#8: Assign Roles
Every team member should know their task and responsibility for better performance and avoid misunderstanding. In the beginning may be things are scattered but when time pass all team member will better understand their roles.
This is an example of assigning roles.
When everyone knows his or her role, it’s time to run the planning process. You can either plan daily or weekly. But do not plan on monthly basis this will create problem.
Use different tool for the management and assigning task for every member. Tools help to become more organized and save lots of time.
8 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy,
Shonali Jain
Jul 21. 2017
Nice article with some really useful information. I would also highlight the importance of understanding the audience you are targeting. You marketing strategy should also take into account the type of audience you want to target and what kind of promotions/offers you can offer to expand your reach.
Jul 25. 2017
Good post. I will share this to my social media account. Thanks for sharing the impressive post
Jul 27. 2017
Hey, it is an informative article. Really glad to read this article and it is useful for all of us. Thanks to the author for sharing the information