Modern businessmen need to be aware of the fact that today, they live in a world that is more connected than it ever was, and in which a word open market has a completely different expanded meaning. For starters, just a century ago, your business was extremely limited geography-wise. It needed to be in your immediate vicinity in order for you to be able to oversee it, manage it, and establish it in the first place.

Today, with all these modern custom policies, international economical agreements and concessions, as well as with the help of modern means of communication, establishing your business in a different country is not only an option but also a smart way to go. Here is a short list of several countries that will serve as best startup locations for your business.
New Zealand
The reason why we put New Zealand as second on this list is because of the fact that it only takes 24 hours for one to establish his business there. This truly amazing notion represents business establishing pace that is second to none. Because of the latest economic reform that took place this year, it takes just one really simple procedure for you to establish your business there. Also, it is one of the countries with the simplest hire and fire policies as well as one of the regions with the strongest investor protecting legal systems there is.
United States
Is there really anyone that is genuinely surprised that the country that serves as a synonym for capitalism and free market, takes such a high a position on this list. The hiring and firing law in the U.S. is second to none, which is one of the main reasons why this country is so startup friendly. Another thing that sets U.S. head and shoulders above most of the other countries is the fact that it usually does not take more than 40 days to obtain a construction permit. Truly a business aspect that is almost impossible to top.
What can be said about this capitalist haven than that it is for the third time on the top of the list as the most startup friendly country in the world. Some of the reasons for this are the fact that this country offers a business-friendly bankruptcy and the fact that its tax paying system is extremely friendly. Still, it is important for one to know how to setup a company in Singapore. You need to know how to get all the permits and how to properly register your company so it is vital that you do all the proper research before you establish your business there.
Hong Kong
No surprise here either. Hong Kong has always been known as a great place for doing business, but recently things became even brighter. As of just several months ago, the procedure for getting a construction permit has become eight procedures simpler. Another great thing about starting your business in Hong Kong is the fact that import and export costs are probably cheapest all across the globe. Add to this mix the fact that corporate taxes and tax returns are extremely well organized and you get a truly unique and almost fail-proof startup combination.
Shakespeare once said that world is your oyster, this metaphor was never truer than it is today. Because of the fact that you are no longer spatially restricted regarding your business opens many new possibilities for you that were not present before. This means that your business possibilities are limited only by your own will and determination. Feel free to follow your dream.
Best Countries in the World to Start a Company,
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