4 Strange Facts About Google

As the sole authority in the digital arena, Google enjoys the prime identity that is a distant dream for most of its peers and competitors. There could hardly be any other brand that has such a deep impact on the industry it belongs. The Google’s success lies in its strong ethics, brightest talent, most sophisticated techniques and more importantly out-of-the-box thinking. Though Google has achieved huge popularity across the world, there are still some things about Google that many people don’t know. Here are a few of them.


A huge traffic comes from Smartphone

In a study, it was found that as many as 33% of Google search queries are generated from Smartphone. It establishes the importance of Smartphone. Considering this, Google has officially introduced a new algorithm for measuring precise mobile usability. It also means that in order to enjoy a good ranking on Google you should better think seriously about the demands of Smartphone people and optimize your site to offer visual uniformity even on small Smartphone devices.

Google: The brand or a verb

With the increasing rise in Google brand for search specific operations, the Oxford English dictionary added Google as a word in 2006. The dictionary version of Google is actually a verb that means searching for specific information online with the help of search engine Google. However, people have started using the term even for Non-Google searches. Afraid, that it could devoid Google the Brand status they have acquired after such a huge investment the company also posted a blog requesting its users to use Google term only if they actually mean to use Google search engine and its services, (instead of a common verb).

Dogs are welcome, cats stay away

Google is a canine-friendly company and Yoshka is one of the prime dogs that is especially visible in most of the high-end meetings attended by Urs Hölzle the senior VP operations. Yoshka s a fair Leonberger- the canine friend of Urs that is heartily welcomed inside Google premises. It isn’t the seniority that offers this privilege to Urs. The new Googlers are also allowed and even encouraged to bring their canine friends. That doesn’t mean that Google doesn’t love its carpets. It has a strong Dog policy stating that. Strong bladdered and friendly canines are more than welcome across the campus. Oh! But the canine gain is the feline loss! Google says that its fantasy for dogs is an integrated part of their culture. It further says that they like cats but the cats would feel uncomfortable amidst so many dogs. In plain words, cats are not welcomed! 

Unique sights at Googleplex

There are a number of unique sights you would enjoy at Googleplex. Prime among them is Stan- a real humongous skeleton of a massive dinosaur. A prehistoric skeleton looming in an ultramodern company is a sight to relish. Other visual delights include a big replica of Spaceship One, pink flamingos and grown-up size ball pits.  A Huge Lego man further adds to the delight.

Googling through the Google! I am feeling Lucky


Author Bio:

Mark Andrew is a web developer with varied interests- travel, wildlife, history, art, and of course technology! He is a keen supporter of free internet and when not in the cabin, he loves to spend his time outdoors exploring the world, people and technology.

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