Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer surprised the audience just yesterday with presenting Microsofts latest development gadget. With this Microsoft started their own new tablet family series called ‘Surface’ which wants to come up and compete with Apple for the tablet pc market. It has been some time since Apple shocked their competitors with presenting of their iPhone in 2007 and iPad in 2010.
Since then Microsoft had nothing really equivalent compared to mobile devices Apple had already at this time.
Now, nearly 2 years later we see the answer here in the following.
The Surface tablet can be a simple touch device or users can decide whether better to use the flexibility of a hardware keyboard for longer texts or commands.
The tablet runs the new Windows 8 operating system, has a 10,6″ full HD display with 1920 x 1080 pixels and weights only 1.5 lbs.
It comes with a pluggable magnetic slim keyboard cover case which is available in two versions and is available even in two different processor architectures.
Build out of a magnesium case which Microsoft calls VaporMg, the Surface tablet is available with an ARM or Intels Ivvy-Bridge processor. The Chipset is provided by NVIDIA Tegra. It’s not clear yet but most probably the Quad Core Tegra 3 KAI, or the Tegra 3+
Two integrated cameras on front and back side, and an integrated WiFi with 2×2 MIMO antena array are included. The whole tablet is just 9.3 mm thin and has full size USB 2.0 ports.
Presentation in Hollywood
“It embodies hardware and software working together. People want to work and play,” Steve Ballmer said on Monday when introducing the device at an art and movie studio in Hollywood.
Ballmer visited the Milk Studios in Los Angeles to officially claim that Microsoft will compete Apples iPads with their own tablet devices.
In fact the new table device looks great, is light weight and handy. The material of the case is out of magnesium which also saves weight. The Look and Feel (haptic) is familiar and some people might think that this is an Apple device.
Solid Stand
Using the integrated expandable stand the Surface Tablet makes a good figure on the table. Three hinges on the back side of the tablet provide a solid stand. The hinges are just 0.7 mm thin.
A nice feature is the magnetic main cover which comes in two versions. The Surface Type Cover (5 mm) is a hardware keyboard with real keys (1,5 mm) including a track pad.
Consumer or Business?
Steve Ballmer made pretty clear that Microfot wants to aim consumer users as well as business users to run their daily applications on it. Ballmer also makes clear that the device is nothing without the software running on it.
Naming History
Originally Microsoft Surface was an earlier project where real ‘table’ touch screen displays were used and has been renamed to Microsoft PixelSense meanwhile.
Surface Tablet is Microsofts answer to Apple's iPad,
Jun 23. 2012
Well, well well…Technology is the word itself says “it’s never ending.” What we are using today, may be tomorrow we won’t have it. There is a head to head competition in the market. You can’t stop anyone. Certainly, you are correct; Microsoft’s surface is just the answer for apple’s ipad, because apple is the first and only well-known company for creating tablets in the market. Let’s see who takes the market after the successful launch of Microsoft’s Surface.
Jun 23. 2012
You’re absolutely right. It is the next generation in an endless contest on who invents the newest usefull technology innovation that comes directly into our daily lifes.
Furthermore what is really important nowadays is the time to market. There is no doubt that Apple is years ahead their competitors but also needs to take care that this advance is sustainable.
For me as a tech geek its exciting to see this progress in technology
Jun 26. 2012
I hope this takes off because I personally believe Apple products are way overpriced and they are hanging on because of their fanatic user base. Another competitive product will surely make it much more interesting.
Jun 26. 2012
It’s always good news to see others trying to produce tablets and try to compete with Apple. The more competitions to Apple the better for consumers.
Jun 27. 2012
i loved to use apple accessories its all amazing and apple create their product more effective and useful because of market competition thanks for this
Jun 27. 2012
I do love my iPad but it really looks like people are starting to catch up…
Jul 05. 2012
MicroSoft will hit market now because they are coming up with Ultra THin feature and long battery. Poeple will believe them and Surface Tablet hit the market if there is good feature in it.
Jul 07. 2012
Microsoft’s surface tablet will definitely comes ahead in technology field because of it’s operating system and another reason is the brand value of Microsoft. As you have said, It’s answer to Apple iPad but it’s not possible to say that which will be get more success in market. Apple have already got great success but it’s time to keep that success continue and face the challenge of surface tablet.
Jul 10. 2012
Actually It’s not clear yet but most probably the Quad Core Tegra 3 KAI, or the Tegra 3+.
Jul 15. 2012
iPad is quite handy for all the people who are apart of the Apple family but its also true that windows has way more member/users as compared to Apple. So, ht-ere will be a great competition bw both of these.
Jul 26. 2012
More infos about the Surface Tablet are comming soon. Stay tuned Tech Crates