How Can You Tell If Someone Blocked You On Facebook?
Facebook (Meta) is considered to be one of the largest social media platforms, with more than 2.45 billion active users, monthly. This social media giant offers its users several security options & privacy controls.
Out of the many features that Facebook offers ... Continue Reading →
Big Companies Pulling Ads From Facebook For A While
Social Media offers a massive platform, not only to communicate, upload, and view pictures, but also to market your services and products and sell them. Social media and Digital Marketing platforms are booming for at least the last five years for businesses and ... Continue Reading →
Here’s what Facebook announced today at F8
From the outset, Mark Zuckerberg said that the event was going to put less emphasis on the unveiling of new products in order to favor the support of the developer community. “Putting users in the forefront, giving them more options to connect with the family ... Continue Reading →
Facebook Will Soon Display the Full Contents of Certain Articles
Facebook, this important gateway to online media, experimenting with a new way to bring the news to its users.
It is reported that this week the New York Times, which takes this information from a reliable source rather: himself. According to the daily, articles ... Continue Reading →
Facebook Denies Having Been a Victim of Cyber Attack
Important social networks including Facebook, Instagram and Tinder, broke down last night for a little less than an hour. The collective of hackers Lizard Squad hinted that he was responsible for the disturbance.
The cause of the suspension of these various services, ... Continue Reading →
Facebook and Twitter are officially saturated
If you regularly read this blog, you are not supposed to know that Facebook is the most popular social platform by far (Facebook is the first of twenty-first century portal). An overwhelming dominance gives them the right to impose their own rules, particularly ... Continue Reading →