6 Winning Data-Driven Marketing Strategies To Adopt In 2021
What Is Data-Driven Marketing?
Data-driven marketing, in a very basic sense, is a strategy that has been developed on the basis of analysis of huge data that has been collected from customer engagements and interactions. Consumer behavior has kept changing over ... Continue Reading →
Strategies Most Marketers Misunderstood In Influencer Marketing
Influence marketing is right behind social media marketing when it comes to the most powerful marketing tools. This newest development in the market isn’t expected to disappear anytime soon and most brands have already started using it as an effective strategy. ... Continue Reading →
5 Types of Successful Mobile Marketing Strategies
By the end of 2014, mobile Internet usage is expected to surpass traditional desktop usage. Not only do 4 billion people have mobile phone subscriptions, the market for tablets and e-readers is growing every year. According to Microsoft, the amount of website traffic ... Continue Reading →