The Arrival and Passage of the Stock Ticker

Until the 1860’s, transmitting stock quotes (or the prices of gold and commodities) was difficult. The latest price per share was delivered by hand-written notes, or just verbally. Messengers hurried between the floor of the stock exchange and brokers’ offices. ... Continue Reading →

New Prosthetics Technologies for Animals and Humans

Facing long term injuries and even disabilities can be overwhelming. Hiring a disability lawyer is usually the first step to ensuring you have the resources you need when you need them most. Beyond that you’ll also face life after your body has been fundamentally ... Continue Reading →

Let Printer Technology Streamline Your Business Processes

With the speed and diversity of printer technology these days, choosing the right print solution for your business can be an intimidating task. If you are looking to streamline multiple business processes and increase overall efficiency then perhaps you should ... Continue Reading →

What’s Next, Marketing on Smart Phones? Yup

People love their smart phones and mobile devices. Let me rephrase: People are in love with their smart phones and mobile devices. Even in the poorest nations, smart phones and mobile devices proliferate. Everyone from 6 to 86 has at least a cell phone if not a ... Continue Reading →

From Apps to Defibrilators: How Medical Technology Improves Lives

Advances in science of late are not only amazing, they are helping people improve their quality of life. From robotic limbs to doctor/patient smartphone apps to innovative ways to find counsel with software, technology is making it possible to connect and stay ... Continue Reading →

What’s Unique in Bluetooth 4.0 and How it Benefits You

There’s been a lot of publicity about Bluetooth 4.0, also called Bluetooth Smart Ready, and its technological advantages. In the past, Bluetooth has disillusioned users with its high battery consumption and pairing issues. Bluetooth Smart Ready is touted as a ... Continue Reading →

4 Secrets for Getting the Most Out of Your DVR

Thanks to DVRs, people are able to pause TV, record their favorite shows, and have a much better TV-watching experience. However, you can get more out of your DVR than just these things. Take a look at the following tips and tricks for enjoying your DVR more. VN:F ... Continue Reading →