How to Resolve 7 Web Development Problems
The interaction with one another has changed in a drastic manner, thanks to the revolutionary development in the world of technology, particularly the Internet. With every new day, we see a plethora of new apps and websites that offer cutting-edge services that ... Continue Reading →
Useful Tips to Help You Become a Web Designer
Due to the hardcore technology like Photoshop, jQuery and other related proficiencies, the web designers’ skills have become major concern nowadays. The day by day soaring pressure of clients and their complex business project needs have made the task stressful ... Continue Reading →
CheckList – 9 Steps to Ensure Before Launching a Website
Being first time entrepreneur, we missed out on a number of hygiene factors which we should have ensured for good performance of our website. We had to learn in the hard way. However, I made a list of all such critical steps, which I am sharing here. The following ... Continue Reading →
Web Design and SEO Crossroads: The Intersection
The intersection
Web design is not only good for business and creativity in making an online image, but it also enables the further development of many areas connected with the Internet; for example, SEO is crucially dependent on how the web develops.
With new ... Continue Reading →
Powerful Ways to Boost Up Your Website Traffic
Summon into mind, link building is not the only way to gain traffic in the Google’s search results and it is a bit hard as well. So, here are the easy wins that will help you increase traffic without building links:
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Microdata help you in building your website’s SEO: How
Microdata is one of the three languages that are designed to provide search engine spider programs with information about the content of any website. Micro data can give the spider more information about the webpage. Humans have knowledge about names, places and ... Continue Reading →
7 Things to Consider Before Website Goes Live: Must-read Checklist
A lot of efforts are needed in actually designing a site form the scratch. This task can be as big as preparing for a Thanksgiving feast or Christmas single-handedly. If you think, you are ready to publish your site, think again. There are so many things to be ... Continue Reading →