Tech Crates came into existence in the fourth week of December 2010, since then it has been growing significantly in terms of rankings and thereby drawing decent traffic. Last month (April 2011) it crossed the 10K/month traffic mark.
The traffic is low when compared to other popular blogs in the niche but according to a saying “when there is a will, there is a way” this blog will be able to draw huge traffic in the coming years
Now let me share the traffic stats of this blog for the month of April 2011. The blog was able to draw 13K visitors in the month of April, majority of the traffic is from search engines and that too Google, the search giant rocks
Traffic Sources:
Google Rocks….
I would like to thank all the loyal readers and commentators. I hope this blog crosses the 20K/month traffic mark in the coming months….
Top 3 Commentators for the month of April 2011:
- Sandeep from Curious Little Person
- Mukundan from Web Froze
- Tony from Tech Daring
Popular Posts (April 2011)
- Samsung Wave 2: Bada OS
- Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc: Android Smartphone
- Nokia C6 – Qwerty Phone
- USB 2.0 Hub – How to add one ?
- Nokia C3 – Qwerty Phone
Again I would like to thank everyone …..
May 03. 2011
nice visits you are getting.
May 06. 2011
Thanks… But I am aiming for more……
May 06. 2011
definately you will succeed… you need to do on page and off page optimization… If you need an SEO for your site then let me know.
May 03. 2011
Best of luck ,Definitely it will cross!
May 06. 2011
Mukundan Srinivasan
May 04. 2011
10K is good amount of traffic. In short time you have grown well. Happy to see my name as one of the top commentators.
May 06. 2011
Yep…but I am aiming for more from this blog !!
May 06. 2011
Congrats buddy for nice stats and content. You must try Stumbleupon for your blog, it work fine for software and tech blogs and drive regular traffic too.
May 06. 2011
Thanks bro….. BTW I am already using SU….
May 07. 2011
Terrific stats for such a young blog.
May 08. 2011
both for praising and stopping by my blog
May 09. 2011
Hey Salman – Good going dude! 10K is definitely a big number. And within such a short time is a huge achievement
Keep rocking..
P.S – Thanks for keeping me there on that list
May 11. 2011
Thanks Sandeep……
May 15. 2011
You are getting good traffic.My blog is 5 months old and I’m waiting to break 10k visitors target.How old is this blog?
May 15. 2011
Oops I didn’t read the first line
May 16. 2011
Thanks for stopping by my blog
May 16. 2011
Hey buddy wish you get awesome traffic and u may cross/ shatter your own records soon
all d best !
May 16. 2011
Thanks … buddy
May 16. 2011
How about your earning ?
May 16. 2011
Earnings are not that high !! I prefer not to share …..
May 19. 2011
g8 news for techcrates……
i hope u will rock in future also…..
May 19. 2011
Hope so ….. Anyways thanks buddy !!
May 28. 2011
13K visitors is a good amount. Best of luck for the future !
May 28. 2011
Thanks Mahesh…..
May 28. 2011
Your traffic growth fast. I just visit your blog when have something news.
May 28. 2011
Oh I see…. Anyways thanks for the comment
Gagan Chhatwal
May 28. 2011
Good work buddy I love the way that you are aiming to your target, keep it up buddy.
May 28. 2011
Thanks bro … both for praising and stopping by my blog !!
Mar 08. 2019
Hey Salman, just trying to contact you , but the form on your website is not working, would request you to send a test mail to my email address given for further discussion.