Tech DIY SOS: How to Make Your Old Phone and Computer Last Forever

In today’s world of technology, your phone and computer is out of date within 2 years of the purchase date. In fact, there is an algorithm for the rate of processing power increased over a two-year span (it doubles every two years). This is known as Moore’s law, and it was created in 1967 by Intel founder Gordon E. Moore. To date, the algorithm has held true.

But what if you are strapped for cash and simply cannot update your phone or computer? Luckily, there are a variety of things you can do to help improve the efficiency and performance of your phone and computer while you wait for the funds to purchase a new model.

Apple computers and phones are much harder to update than phones and computers made by other companies. If you have Apple devices, you may not be able to use these tips to improve your devices.

Reformat Software

One of the easiest things you can do is reformat your computer or phone. This will eliminate any features and programs that slow down your phone. It will completely wipe your memory and basically reset the device to factory settings. You can also choose what to reinstall, which will free up a lot of space and processing power on your device. You can find resources for how to reformat any computer or phone online. Make sure you have all of the original software installation discs or else you will lose your programs forever.

Reading suggestion: Smartphone Benefits: Where Can You Use Your Phone?

Upgrade Memory

In some cases, simply adding additional memory to your computer or phone will help it last a little longer. Not all computers or phones can have additional memory upgrades. However, most PC computers can be easily upgraded with additional memory. SD card-compatible phones can also be upgraded to include additional memory. All you have to do is install the new memory yourself or take your device to a company that will upgrade it for you (usually best with cell phones and laptops).

Make Necessary Repairs

Is any part of your device broken? Repair these issues, if possible. If your device is under warranty, the company will make the repair free of charge. If you have insurance on your device, you may also be able to repair your device for a minimal fee after you pay the deductible.

Reading suggestion: What to look for in a Computer Repair Technician

Replace the Battery

Is your device’s battery failing? You can easily extend the life of your device by replacing the battery. This is simple to do for a laptop, but is a little harder for cell phones and other electronic devices. If you are unsure of how to replace the battery, any electronic store can help you make the switch and extend the life of your device.

By making these changes, you can easily improve your device and make it last a little longer. These fixes won’t last forever, but should give you at least another year or two of life in your device. In order of failure, phones will fail first, other electronic devices second, laptop computers third, and desktop computers will last the longest. Some desktop computers have a lifespan of close to 10 years with proper care.

This is a guest post by Lindsey Mcmahon. She likes to travel, play and read in her free time. Her main interests are entertainment, business, tech and health but she is constantly extending her field of view to incorporate interesting news suggested to her by her readers. She currently writes on behalf of

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