In the beginning of the 21st century, if you mentioned working in the tech space, especially for giants like IBM, Cisco and Research in Motion, one gained the envy of others, those who constantly read good tidings related to the tech industry and its major brands. However, due to a recession and influx of competitors seeking different angles, leveraging increased technologies, major players as well as a number of startups are experiencing declines in revenue, thus forced to rid themselves of workers and downsize company extensions.
Hewlett Packard provides a window view to such tech-giant atrophy. Hewlett plans to downsize by 9%, eliminating 29,000 jobs, and spending $1.7 billion in ‘restructuring’ during the early part of 2013. Additionally, camera service startup, Lytro, let go a number of employees despite news of ‘exciting’ releases coming soon. Within the last year, the startup added only 5 people to its main staff.
2013 numbers are looking more dismal than those of last year for a number of major to minor tech players. However, the weakened state contradicts hopeful projections released by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (The tech space is expected to increase its hires by 22% by 2020.) Who are the bigger losers in recent history? Some mentions may surprise your eyes!
Source: Who Is Hosting
Dec 24. 2013
Very nice inforgraphic that you provide here.
I’m really surprised about EA, they have to cut down one company, maybe the reason is they don’t have any phenomenal game for this year like before.
Thanks for your sharing.
Dec 31. 2013
Thanks Stephan
Dec 25. 2013
Nice blog, thank you for sharing this
Dec 31. 2013
Thank you Fenny
Dec 29. 2013
That’s really nice information about global it market.
thanks for sharing.
Dec 31. 2013
Jobs in Information Technology (IT) are increasing as IT coveres all high-tech fields today
Salaries are increasing as well