If you are marketing a product or service through email, write subject lines that grab the reader’s attention. This is particularly important when potential customers view these emails on their mobile device. The small screen size and relatively quick scrolling reduce the chances of your email being opened. The following tips will make your subject lines more attractive.

Be Clear and Concise
The most important thing to consider when crafting a subject line is the content of the email. It should reflect what the email is about in a descriptive way. One way to do this is to write a subject line that details a specific product or service. For example, if you are marketing a new line of clothing, create a subject line for a specific brand or style, rather than a general subject line about new clothing.
General Subject Line: Check Out the New Designs at the Shirt Shop
Detailed Subject Line: The Anime Line of Cotton T-Shirts Now Available at the Shirt Shop
Use Lists and Solutions
Another way to draw attention to your email is to include lists and solutions in the subject line. This usually involves a top 5 list, the best or worst list, or how to titles. For example, the ‘Top 5 Video Game Rentals This Month’ and ‘How to Get the Top Spot in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer’ are both great email subject lines for a video game store. Lists and solutions stand out among other emails because they are interesting and generally worth the effort to click. It’s an effective email marketing strategy.
Set a Time Table or Make an Offer
Email subject lines that introduce a time limit or present an offer are generally well-received. The best way to do this is to send out emails when you have an upcoming sale that lasts a short time. For example, ‘One Day Sale With Discounts Up to 50% Off’ will entice people to click on the email. Another way to get clicks is to create a subject line that emphasizes a limited supply. For example, ‘Only 5 Air Jordans Left In Stock’ creates a sense of urgency since this product may not be around much longer.
Engage the Reader With a Story
An email title that sounds like the start of an intriguing story will get more clicks. Some of the topics you can include in the subject line include the history of a product or business, interesting facts about a product, and consumer reviews that promote a product or service. Here are a few subject lines that tell a story:
‘Why 9 out of 10 Customers Choose Our Energy Drink Over Red Bull’
‘3D Enabled TVs and Game Consoles Are the Next Step In Interactive Gaming’
‘Our Interior Decorators Have Over 15 Years of Design and Decorating Experience’
These 4 tips for writing attention-grabbing email titles will help you construct a subject line that attracts and lead to clicks. Quickly engage new customers directly on their cell phone, tablet, or pc with a catchy email.
Dec 05. 2014
Very useful tips to write content. Thank you very much