Top 5 Android Physics Games

Physics games are my favorite type of games for Android or iPhones alike. A physics game is an app that mimics the real life effects of motion. Say you drop a weight on one end of a teeter totter, what happens? Obviously one of the sides will go up. Physics games react the same way a situation in real life would. With that said, here are my favorite smart phone games that emulate real life physics.


Paper Toss

paper toss

Paper toss is a simple yet fun game. You have to shoot a paper bowl into a trash can. There’s a fan blowing air horizontally at different speeds. You have to counter the effects of the wind speed by aiming the paper ball closer to the wind source. If it’s at 0mph you aim directly at the can, if it’s at 10 mph you aim closer to the direction of the fan in order to compensate for the wind.

Angry Birds

angry birds

You’ve probably heard about Angry Birds, who hasn’t? Angry Birds and Angry Birds Space are some of my favorite games on to play. With Angry birds the goal is to fling a bird through the air and crack eggs. You have to compensate for the distance the eggs are to you and for the structures around them. You have to aim at strategic points of a structure to collapse it, finally breaking the egg.



This is a cool game that changes it up each level. The goal is to get the ball to fall into a blue basket. The ball is dropped and you have to maneuver boards and other stuff for the ball to land on and successfully roll into the bin. You have to utilize leverage and many other things to complete your task.

Cut the Rope

cut the rope

Another of my favorite games is cut the rope. You have a weight that’s attached to a string and the object is to cut the rope in order to get the weight in its proper place. Different ropes have to be cut at different times while the weight is swinging back and forth.

X Construction

This is a great game for engineers. You have to build a bridge using a limited amount of beams. The goal is to make it sturdy enough for a train to cross it. As the game progresses you have harder terrain to cover as well as new building materials. The only problem with this game is there are not enough levels!

My name is Alex Bailey.  I’ve been blogging about technology, specifically iPhones as well as Androids for the last six years.  I own several technology related blogs that are geared towards smart phone users.

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