Top Five Technological Advancements to Look Forward to in 2013

The year 2013 will be an exciting year for tech consumers. There are many new products coming available that will change the way we live our lives and see the world. Developers are trying to promote a more positive environment by reducing the environmental impact and promoting a healthier lifestyle through their 2013 releases.


Google Glass

Tech followers are abuzz with the news of the Google’s Project Glass. Google’s glasses are coined as being ‘a smartphone for your eyes’. The glasses can link the user to relevant information based on their location through a camera and a GPS. Taking our technology outside our offices is nothing new, but Google has created an innovative way to keep users logged in and informed every step of the way. You can follow Google’s progress on Project Glass here.

Flexible Displays

Many large phone producers, such as Samsung, have been reported to launch smartphones with a flexible OLED displays. The flexible displays are said to be unbreakable thanks to a display made from a type of plastic instead of glass. The displays also will be able to conserve battery life, making it more energy-efficient than other models. With this new, durable technology, consumers will be able to extend the life of their phone. Samsung will be the first to release a phone with a flexible display in late 2012 or early 2013.

Wireless Charging

According to, wireless charging could become mainstream as early as late 2013. This technology will allow users to wirelessly charge their ultrabooks and smartphones. also reported that at CES this year, a prototype was displayed that could be planted into handbags, cars, desks, or countertops to turn them into wireless charging stations. Intel is already confirming their plans to integrate wireless charging into ultrabooks. This could add much convenience and possibly, save users some money. With wireless charging, cords will never have to be replaced due to loss or damage.

Basis Band

The Basis Band is a wearable device that records and stores every facet of health related information to give you a complete profile of your wellness. The device is waterproof, so it never has to be taken off. Heart rate, calories, and even sleep patterns are recorded into the device and sent to the cloud for retrieval. The Basis Band is an innovative technology that will allow its users to become well informed about their lifestyle and promote healthier habits. Basis Bands are already available for pre-order through the company website.

Memristor Technology

Memristors will change the computing industry forever. By using non-volatile memory, these chips will deliver faster speeds, lower energy consumption, and, eventually, smaller computers. The memristor is said to be the replacement of flash memory in computers by saving it’s current electronic state when turned off. The chip can remember a wide range of electronic states, which allows it to surpass the traditional on and off options on today’s computers. HP will be releasing the first chip in late 2013.
From a band that records all of your health information instantly to a bendable smartphone, 2013 promises to deliver exciting technology products that will change the way we live our lives. The focus of many of these advances is energy preservation, which is becoming more important to consumers through the years. Many of the new technology being introduced in the following year has so much potential to expand and touch our lives in unimaginable ways.

Technological advancements are happening at an almost alarming speed. Consider Creighton online programs to help educate yourself on the new emerging trends.

This article was written by Jonathan Martin for the team at coolblueweb.

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