Despite the emergence of several different game varieties, tower defense games remain some of the most popular. Offering a uniquely challenging and entertaining type of gameplay, tower defense games can hold their own among the most highly regarded titles in the gaming universe. With the appearance of several different titles on the Android platform, the genres popularity has become more widespread. If you have ever wanted to check out some of the best tower defense games for your Android, these selections offer a good place to start.
Robo Defense is a certified classic among fans of tower defense games, and it delivers just as admirably on the Android platform. Boasting of open maps, a variety of upgrade options, and superb graphics, Robo Defense holds up the genre’s tradition admirably. If you want to get a feel of the action without spending anything, you will be glad to know that Robo Defense comes in a free version in which the mission can be ported over to the full version when you are ready to upgrade.
A more recent offering, Plants vs Zombies has definitely taken the PC world by storm. Now, all the engrossing action can be yours to enjoy on your Android. This massively popular game serves up a wide variety of different weapons, all of which you can employ along with your plant defenses. And you will definitely need all the weapons you can geothermal energy your hands on, since the zombies can be quite persistent in trying to break down your defenses.
Empire Defense 2 takes you right into the action of a world of turmoil where evil magic spells prevail. Your job as the main character is to go up against the evil magicians, and restore the world to its former condition. With a wide range of primary characters to choose from, you can tailor your attack with any one of these many different characters, each of which has its own special capabilities.
Bloons has long been one of the most beloved tower defense games on the PC, and it has now become available for the Android platform in version 5. Here, the familiar evil monkeys from the earlier versions ramp up their attack with a full frontal assault that comes from pretty much everywhere at the same time. You aren’t going to be left defenseless however, as you can earn your way to some very useful upgrades. There is even a new medal-ranking system that allows you to earn a gold model for even more capabilities.
Guns n Glory WW2 places you right in the middle of the action of World War II in full swing. Your object is to repel the hordes of invaders that threaten the safety of your towers. The good news is that you can mount a pretty formidable defense of your own, with bazookas and grenades making up a useful portion of your arsenal. And when you send your tanks and troops into full battle, winning becomes a very reasonable possibility.
Peter Dawson writes about latest technology gadgets and video games. Apart from that he also enjoys playing games mostly mobile and online tower defense, strategy, defence and medieval.
The Best Tower Defense Games For Android,
Sep 13. 2013
I love tower defense apps
Oct 01. 2013
playing tower defense forever