PC Troubleshooting Tips: Why is My PC Crashing?

PC crashing is a very popular issue now-a-days. Sometimes the crash shows by a blue screen or any other warning. And sometimes the computer directly shuts down without giving any warning. Generally this problem takes place when any program that may be any application or any part of the OS stops to perform its expected functions. For this the other parts of the OS cannot get its response. It is happen due to the computer viruses that are undetected, tracking of the system files and important data etc. This causes loss of data. To avoid this problem here are some tips.

avoid pc crashing

Corrupted System Registry Files

Windows based computers has registry files on it. These files contain the operations performed by the computer. Sometimes these files can turn out to be corrupted or can be misplaced. And sometimes all of the files get lost. If any of these three problems occurs then the registry of the system becomes compromised. It can also cause frequent crashes. To avoid this problem the best way is to run a program to clean the Windows registry. These types of programs scan the whole registry of the computer and if any problem occurs then repairs automatically.

Too Little Available Memory

Another reason of PC crashing is availability of very small amount of memory. A computer has a large amount of memory at the initial position. It seems like never ending. But the memory cannot be endless. A huge amount of files can be stored in the memory. But it has an end limit. If the memory available in the computer is very low then the unnecessary files should be removed. It can be happened by performing the PC cleanup program. These programs remove the internet files which are temporary and other useless files which are stored in the memory space. Backup of unwanted files on any type of storage media can be done.

Disorganized Files

The disorganized way of files can cause PC crashing. Mainly the Operating System handles the organization of files in the system memory. The files are break up by the OS and it fits them into the gaps of the memory. After a certain period these unorganized files can cause crashing. The Disk Fragmentation is the best solution for this problem. To avoid the problem of crashing due to this problem it is required to defrag the disk periodically.


Overheating is another reason of PC crashing. The central processing unit of the computer has a fan which is designed to keep it cool. If the computer is running for a long period, it can cause overheating. While running the computer it should be checked that the vents of the CPU are blocked or not. It must not be blocked so the air can pass easily. If the computer becomes overheated then the fan should be tested. If after testing the problem occurs then it should be replaced immediately.

Malicious Softwares

The most important reason of PC crashing is virus. Most of the viruses are getting into the computer through the Internet. It can affect the computer very badly. It can slow down the PC; can cause loss of data and also PC crashing. There is much software available in the market known as antivirus which must be installed in the computer. This type of software scans the whole computer to detect the virus and clean them. It should be updated frequently to provide the security.

Computer crashing can cause computer to damage quickly. So after buying the new computer, knowledge on this type of crash and its equivalent knowledge to solve the crash should be there.

Alia Haley is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Beside this she is fond of bags. She recently added two Brighton Handbags to her collection. These days she is busy in writing an article on 3d Modeling Software.

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