This is some sort of a confession by a person bitten by the net bug. Some days back I was smitten by another love – the Tablet. As it always happens, when you’re in love rationality takes a backstreet. I learnt this lesson the hard way. But then there are some takeaways nevertheless.
An Android to begin with
Though I wanted to buy the sleek iPad, I went for an Android tablet, which my neighborhood tech shop told me was selling like crazy. Here I was, trying to figure out what this tablet could do better than my Laptop. The 7” screen was disappointing to say the least. I realized that in spite of the hoopla created by Android, my tablet worked at best like a crippled laptop. The great downloads from the Android market are mostly games, music and stuff which I rarely use.
The iPad craze
Having bitten once, I didn’t go for an iPad straight away. I went from one place to another getting a feel of the legendary stuff. There were two revelations which I must share. The user interface, by which I mean the frontend, is much much better in case of an iPad. This can make a whole lot of a difference, especially for the non-tech guys out there. Second, the iStore is a much better place to shop for stuff. This is where Apple (makers of iPad) scores over others. The entire ecosystem (the machine, interface, applications, storage and seamless integration) is perfect. The downside is the cost, which is high.
The Kindle offering
Let me share another confession – I am a bibliophile. In simple words, I read while awake, read while in bed and read in my sleep. Carrying a laptop to bed is quite clumsy which must be obvious to those who have tried it. Moreover, my other half, on the other side of the bed, protests rather loudly if there are more than two in bed. Kindle seemed to be a good solution. It’s great for reading books. The visual interface replicates paper which means there is no glare or reflection. The Kindle I am talking about is a simple Black & White model with WiFi . It’s cheap and affordable. The downside is that there is no great market for applications. If you are the type who simply wants to read books, Kindle is the way to go.
If you are the tech type, who knows his way around the tech world, Android tablet should work for you. iPad on the other hand is lots more costly but has a great interface. If you can afford one go for it. Kindle is purely for reading books. If you don’t care for games, music and stuff like that – if you are as boring as I am – you can buy a Kindle. It’s great for reading in bed.
Victor Solovey is the owner of crazyxhtml, where they do crazy stuff including ‘psd to html’ and ‘psd to css’ conversion. Victor is a bibliophile and also likes to write on the sly.
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Which is the Right Tablet for you?,
Jan 30. 2012
It really all depends on what you are going to be using your tablet for. I have both an iPad and the Kindle Fire. I like the iPad much better for watching movies and gaming but I fins myself using the Fire much more often because i love reading and I like to surf the web with the fire rather than the iPad. For the price, the Fire can not be beat, imho.
Jan 30. 2012
Thanks for your comment Dan …
Jan 30. 2012
I actually want the iPad. But it’s just too expensive for someone like me who has no decent income.
Android phone… yeah it’s quite affordable.
Jan 30. 2012
Just like Sustines here. Loved the iPad. And too expensive for someone like me.
Jan 30. 2012
It really depends on the user. If they think what can be the best tablet they will have, then that is the right tablet for them!
Jan 31. 2012
I couldn’t agree more Tracy. It really depends on the user. If they are fond of reading e-books, they should go with Amazon’s Kindle fire and if they like using a lot of apps, then iPad is the best choice for them.
Jan 31. 2012
Samsung galaxy is my favorite. But Akash is also good for students at affordable prices.
Jan 31. 2012
Exactly Akash is a good choice for students !!
Jan 31. 2012
Yes I too want to say that Akash tablet is the right choice for students. specially for those who are not so rich and cannot afford costly tablets. Really the wonderful work from Indian Govt.
Jan 31. 2012
Personally I would save my money and the the ipad. Its flawless operating system allows me to navigate quickly throughout the tablet and get work done. The apps are endless and i can cloud all my work I do on the ipad to the rest of my apple products, including my Iphone of course!
Jan 31. 2012
The price of IPad is too high for me, but its useful features and opportunities are absolutely great! SO probably I’ll raise some funds and then will buy it
Jan 31. 2012
For Android tablets Transformer prime is best choice i think ! its really great
Feb 01. 2012
Ipad is truly expensive for an average person like me. I hope I have one (in my dreams). By the way Tablets are good.
Feb 01. 2012
Yes aakash tablet is quite good for students. And there are lots of other tablets what can also become your choice.
Feb 02. 2012
what about touchpad ? I ended up buying that.
Feb 02. 2012
Kindle Fire should be listed in this post, BTW nice list.
Feb 02. 2012
well as per my knowledge apple tablet pc are best as they worth for what they actually give you
Feb 05. 2012
iPad bust competition with the other Apple products
Some people choose the trade mark that lead to the top for iPad
I have iPad because I have iPod and like it
So I trust to Apple and didn’t mistake 
Nice Post :)))))))
Feb 07. 2012
I think the iPad is still the top choice when it comes to tablets. It’s not just the tablet itself, its also on the iOS. Android still has some issues that affect how people likes them.
Feb 09. 2012
I heard about Akash tab…….Where can i get those tab……It is dead cheap for those who have no decent income….
Feb 09. 2012
The tablets are not yet available in stores… But you pre-book the Ubislate – Upgraded version of the akash tablet
Feb 11. 2012
what is special in Ubislate??
Feb 12. 2012
It comes with Android v2.3 and improved processor !!
Feb 20. 2012
People understand what they are getting with an iPad. There are so many Android based tablets being released that I feel people just don’t know which one to pick… a problem that will only get more confusing when the new Windows 8 tablets start appearing!
Feb 22. 2012
i am thinking to buy Sony Tablet S or will go with any new release of Samsung tab
Feb 23. 2012
I like Samsung Tab but its too expensive. i think Akash is a better option.