In 2004 something happened that forever changed the world of online marketing. In 2004 Facebook was born. The appearance of this social networking site changed the way services and products are distributed online. This site pushed previously established networking sites like Friendster and MySpace out the picture.
I’ve been a Facebook user myself for a few years now. And it has truly wonderful applications and services. It has made it easier for businesses to market their products. It has allowed bloggers to promote their blogs more easily.
What about you? Do you use Facebook? If you do then I am going to share a very valuable secret to you. This revelation will rock your world and change the way you see Facebook.
My secret is that….Facebook is the new internet. Before you scoff at this revelation, let me explain.
- When was the last time you surfed the internet out of boredom ?
- When did you last check out random sites for no reason at all ?
- How long do you surf the net everyday ?
- How often do you check you Facebook account ?
- How long does it take you to check your Facebook account each day ?
Facebook is now called the “King of Social Networks”. And it currently is the number 1 online site. Many have made it the number one cure for boredom. If people have nothing to do they go log on to Facebook. And it is not surprising why. Facebook has many applications. It has numerous games that can keep users entertained for hours. In fact some of its games are positively addictive. I have a friend who plays Farmville and he wakes up at dawn to harvest his pineapples. I mean – he’s always late for work because he swears he can’t wake up early to save his life. But here he is waking up at 3am to harvest pineapples! It’s crazy. But that’s Facebook for you. Aside from this it’s a very effective way to market your products and services. There are now more than 600 million Facebook users worldwide. That’s like ¼ of the word’s population. With a market like this the possibilities are endless.
What about you? Do you have a Facebook account? If you don’t then perhaps you would like to get started now and experience the power of Facebook marketing.
Why Facebook is the New Internet,Amy C. is an interior decoration aficionado and online marketer. She also likes testing and trying new home and office decorating themes. In addition to being an interior decoration hobbyist, she enjoys designing calming indoor fountains and glass art. Amy invites you to browse her delightful collection of glass vases
Term Papers
Aug 24. 2011
Nice tips. Thanks for your efforts. It will very helpful for me, as I am a new blogger.
Aug 24. 2011
Yeah , u r right dude , FB is the new way of communicating !
Aug 25. 2011
I agree with you.Everyone use Facebook
Aug 25. 2011
Very Nice post.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful content!
Olawale Daniel
Aug 26. 2011
When we come to the issue of referring to facebook as the best way of communication on the internet, I will tell you blatantly that you are wrong! Sorry for this but in this world of internet Facebook is even struggling to meet up with the hot race of leading the pack where Google’s new baby, Google+ is one the rise of becoming the number one social networking site ever on the internet.
According to the fact, the level that took Facebook to achieve for a whole year was something which Google+ reached within 2 months….You just have to know what Facebook is capable of doing before you start to give your final opinion on this topic.
I disagree and partially agree with your points @Amy…and I will be expecting your reply to allow others to learn more on this topic.
BTW: I love your writing skills and the way you outlined your contents and points….
More grease!
Aug 26. 2011
Facebook would certainly *like to be* the internet, but they’re not. Arguably, Google is. Google is where you go to find anything – much like the store in real life, where Facebook is more like the local bar.
Olawale Daniel
Aug 29. 2011
I can see that you understand the logic of how google and facebook are fared online. Facebook is only offering one service while Google providing people lots of products which they can use everyday for more productivity and you’ll agree with me that such a company can be referred to as the future of internet and not Facebook which is being run by one man knowledge. Google is administered by a collection of engineers, cool headed guys….
amy c fountain
Aug 30. 2011
Well Google is very dynamic. I’m a user of googledocs myself. I find it very convenient. Lets wait and see how Google Plus fares
Olawale Daniel
Aug 30. 2011
Thanks for admitting this and encouraging others to learn new things everyday from your experience @Amy
Aug 28. 2011
Remember when for millions of people AOL was the whole of the Internet? Facebook is like that. The walled-off garden approach doesn’t last.
Aug 28. 2011
It does make you wonder if social networking and media sites can continue with the popularity thing. Are sites like Facebook and Twitter just the beginning or are they at their peak. It should be interesting the next 5-10 years to see what happens with the likes of Google trying to jump on board with Google Plus. At any rate Facebook is a good way to waste some time when you are bored and have nothing better to do.
Aug 28. 2011
Thanks for stopping by my blog Ray …
Aug 29. 2011
@ Term Papers, Priyangshu@Make Money Online,sibin & Suraj @Smartfatblogger: Your welcome guys. I’m happy to be of help to new bloggers
Aug 29. 2011
@ Olawale Daniel,Matt, Mandeep: Well you do have a point. FB right is very popular and its a good way to market your products. But Im not discounting other social networking sites either. After all the only permanent thing in this world is change
Aug 29. 2011
@Ray: Yeah. FB has paved the way. Let’s see where this goes
PC Support
Aug 30. 2011
Yeah, this is true that FB is changed the way of interaction. It is very very user friendly and helpful for your business also. Thanks for creating such a nice post. best Wishes.
amy c fountain
Aug 31. 2011
Your welcome. Yes. Its very friendly. Even my mom who’s not into computers has an account! But lets wait and see as to what Google will come up with.
PC Support
Aug 31. 2011
Hi Amy — This is soo cute…as ur mom has her account also..!! Good going…! huhh..!
amy c fountain
Sep 02. 2011
Yes she does. And to think she barely even knows how to turn on the computer
Sep 02. 2011
Thanks amy. Do you really think FB will conquer Google or even internet?
amy c fountain
Sep 03. 2011
As of now, FB is leading the way. But who know’s what might happen in the future?
Sep 03. 2011
No offence! But Google’s My fav!!
Sep 03. 2011
I think it’s not facebook or google alone…both collectively rule the internet today.
Sep 03. 2011
Thanks for stopping by and commenting
joomla development company
Sep 06. 2011
The facebook is social networking site and it has different activities which are very good and it is also user friendly.
amy c fountain
Sep 08. 2011
yep. Exactly
android phones review
Sep 06. 2011
we know that facebook is a most popular social site. many new user comes in internet and like a easy most usage social site facebook. google plus is growing.
Sep 06. 2011
Wow!! what a growth yaar, it’s amazing one that is stands for years, nice article….
amy c fountain
Sep 08. 2011
Thanks for appreciating my article
Cyn P.
Sep 07. 2011
Totally agreed! It’s easier to share things and communicate on FB!
Sep 07. 2011
Thanks for stopping by Cyn ..
Cyn P.
Sep 07. 2011
Sure.. No problem =)
amy c fountain
Sep 08. 2011
Yes. I especially like the group chat. and now you can video chat as well
Sep 26. 2011
Wondered who would someday defeat the fame of facebook and make it like MySpace. Great post.
Sep 26. 2011
its not that easy …. anyways thanks for stopping by and commenting
miami prostate cancer
Oct 26. 2011
I do agree with you that Facebook is the king of social networks. Most people visit Facebook daily to play games, connect with their loved ones and watch videos posted by their friends. Facebook has been utilized for business purposes as well like promoting products and services. It’s one way to get more sales online and attract more customers.
amy c fountain
Oct 31. 2011
Yes.Its a very effective marketing tool
Joomla Development
Dec 14. 2011
Excellent tips… good growth… I agree that the facebook is very popular social media now a days… from SEO point of view facebook is very important tool for getting back links…
Jan 13. 2012
ahan that’s really nice to know about these facts and figures … you rock man
Mar 29. 2012
I could count the amount of people I know who DON\’T use FB on one hand. It is almost consuming people now. Is scary in a way what the future holds.
Feb 26. 2020
good post and i liked it.