Why is VPS Hosting Faster than Shared Hosting?

In today’s times, users have a very low tolerance for slow loading websites. In fact, according to a recent study, nearly 47% of users expect a site to load within 2 seconds and around 40% of users abandon a site which fails to load within 3 seconds. Also, the search giant Google considers page load speed as an important parameter in determining the page rank for the website. In this article, we will compare to hosting types – VPS Hosting and Shared Hosting and look at the reasons why VPS Hosting is faster than Shared Hosting services.

Before we begin, a quick look at the basics:web server hosting

What are VPS Hosting and Shared Hosting services?

Imagine this- you are living in an apartment in a housing community all by yourself. You enjoy your privacy and you can customize the space according to your personal needs. This is VPS hosting. On the other hand, you are living as a paying guest in a similar sized apartment (or bigger) where basic resources like the kitchen, dining, and bathroom are shared by other residents. This is what Shared Hosting looks like.

VPS Hosting is also known as Virtual Private Server Hosting. It allows private virtual server space which you can customize as per your business needs. It works best for websites with high volumes of data and traffic. On the other hand, Shared Hosting uses the same set of resources, storage, bandwidth, and more with other users on the same server.

Now, when it comes to site management, one thing that you, as a site owner, cannot ignore is how fast it loads. As mentioned above, a slow loading site can radically reduce your traffic and thus your user base. That is why your hosting solution should be efficient enough to keep your site speed at optimum.

Here’s why

Your server space is yours and all resources required therein are dedicated for your site. This means that your users do not have to compete for speed or access with other users, as is the case in Shared Hosting. It is like going to a fair where there is only one single queue to reach multiple stalls. But if every stall has its own queue, then each visitor wastes less time to make their purchase.

VPS hosting has a stronger infrastructure with more computing resources and processors. This is more beneficial for larger, highly dynamic sites (news, entertainment, video aggregators, or e-commerce). More so with Linux VPS hosting which boosts the site speed and dramatically reduces bounce rate.

The instant resource scalability aspect of VPS hosting allows you to be future ready. So if ever you have a sudden traffic surge or data overload, then you bounce back with more resources in no time. This directly translates to the server uptime which is essential to determine your searchability on search engines and thus your SEO rank. With VPS hosting you can be assured of a guaranteed 99.99% uptime, unlike in a shared environment where the server may take time to load due to multiple users on the same platform.

On a parting note…

Having an aesthetically designed or a visually appealing website is not enough. It needs to be functional and well-performing to be able to yield traffic and thus business. With a faster and more efficient hosting solution like VPS Hosting, you can achieve that and more.

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