Tablet PCs are making an inroad into the educational sector that netbooks were expected to make. A lot of issues cropped up with netbooks, such as they were too small to be a productive laptop and they were too underpowered to handle normal educational applications. Surprisingly, tablet PCs have been able to carve a niche that is all their own in the educational industry.
The form of the device is the greatest asset when you consider it as a tool to aid education. The large screen which is comparable in size to a page from a textbook makes it the ideal device to store textbooks. The touch interface also makes it a natural device to take notes on the topics being read. In fact a number of universities and schools are looking at this as an option to replace bulky textbooks that are the bane of students.
Apple’s iBooks and Google Books are both notable efforts in this direction. Having a full color screen means that the quality of the original textbook is preserved. Subtle improvements like searchable text reduce the need for extensive glossaries at the end of the book. Coupled with Amazon’s over the air delivery of ebooks and normal Wi-Fi capabilities of tablets, these devices have the potential to replace the way content is delivered to students.
The other area where tablet devices may make a huge impact is in test taking methods. The device is perfect for tests that require multiple choice answers, and simplifies grading if the test is automated. The best part about tablet PCs is that they offer relatively low cost computing.
Further the interface can be controlled to such a level that only education oriented material can be loaded, unlike computers that come with more malleable operating systems with options for end users.
One tablet that has long been used by graphic designers is the graphical tablet. This low cost device can be a powerful tool in the hands of a teacher. It is the perfect tool to replace white boards. The interface is so convenient that the instructor can replicate the experience of teaching with a whiteboard on computer screens.
Teachers truly appreciate the chalk and talk method that allows them to flesh out a concept on a board step-by-step in all its detail. Graphical tablets allow them to do this by creating a virtual whiteboard. Coupled with online collaboration tools that are swamping classrooms, this has the potential to create a great impact.
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Will Future Of Education Be Tablet Oriented?,
Jul 26. 2012
In my believe tablets should be replaced with books. They will be more intuitive and knowledge giving.
Jul 26. 2012
good point Kunal. But we know what will happen. All kids around us are already playing with their tablet gadgets naturally. For them its even more usual to use the iPad, Galaxy Tab and Co than rather reading a book
Sep 17. 2013
Back in the day, we had at least one 1-inch thick softbound book per subject at school. Though we got used to it, I personally think we can come up with something better.
This is why I think the same- tablets would make a wonderful replacement to books. Not only will they get their learning materials in one place, they can also benefit from the posture-lift courtesy of lighter backpacks.
Jul 26. 2012
i think the future of education will be tablet orientated because, well actually i have several reasons for thinking this.
no 1. they are interactive, this alone will encourage children to learn.
no 2. you can lock them in, not locking the door lol, i mean they cant use the tablet for apps, games or social networking until they have done there homework.
no 3 10 years ago the first computer got delivered to my school, 5 years later there was one in every room, now there is a room full of computers out of every 5 rooms.
excellent article btw.
Jul 27. 2012
Surely, the future of education will be the tablet oriented. Tablet is just started and we are quite amazed with the initial level of design, just think about future Tablet. It won’t take much of a time when they make tablet identical to notebook, useful and easy enough that every student geek or tough guy both can handle efficiently.
There will be lots of input methods, portability, battery backup, transformable, interchangeable, transferable, etc. All these features will be integrated smartly on Tablets.
Jul 27. 2012
It would be good news. I see kids going to school, each carrying a school bag loading with heavy text books. This could cause health problem and potential injury to them. If tablets are being used and replaced all the heavy text books, that would take off the “heavy burden” off them because all they need to bring is just the tablet and some stationery. How cool is that?
Jul 28. 2012
I think this depends on the educational purpose. For just reading “books” and info material tablet are really fine. In some years we will also experience new technologies like holography and 3D visual gadgets for advanced educational topics
Jul 30. 2012
Thanks for nice sharing post. It’s very informative information.
With best regards
Aug 01. 2012
A good read. I am also Waiting for 3D visual gadgets (avinash)
Aug 01. 2012
I am not agree with this point. Tablets can not replace books. If the future of the education will be tablet oriented then I think it should be in some specific area not the world wide.
Aug 02. 2012
I think so. Almost 100% of students know how to manipulate different kinds of technology and it is their way in order to lessen their things in their bags.
Aug 09. 2012
I think they will be the future but teachers and schools must find an effective way to get rid of other distractions. I don’t think it will completely dominate the classroom in the near future, but partially.