The smartphone business has been often seen on a rise with every passing day. If you look at this world, you would be seen with certain leading players dominating the market of smart mobile devices including tabs and smartphones. However, the fact is any smartphone or tab has more in its stock than having the plain hardware. It goes beyond things like batter battery life, sharp display and high end build up.

So, what really makes the smartphone greater than the software on it runs as well. You can find three major operating systems for mobile devices, which include Google’s Android, iOS of Apples, and the third emerging and popular OS known as Windows from Microsoft. All the operating systems have their own distinct features, however Android and Windows are seen the two top obvious choice from the smartphone users. Both are good in terms of features and applications. So, let’s compare Windows and Android operating systems in terms of applications in the following paragraphs.
When you talk about the smartphone satisfaction and delight, the ultimate thing, which really matter to the users is the number of applications they are able to enjoy. Both the operating systems (Windows and Android) come along with a number of basic productivity apps, but as you dig deeper, you end up exploring a number of apps found in the same. Let’s compare the two in terms of application as under.
Android in terms of applications
The Android App Store or call it Google Play Store has more than one million application available. These simply include everything (app) you need for a number of purposes. Right from the business apps to the day to day home management app, weather forecast app, balancing and budgeting application, you have incredible number of apps found in this Google Store. In fact, you name any purpose and you have an application in Android. You can find certain minimal kind of discrepancies, but looking at the larger picture, Android seems to be leading in a number of ways in terms of variety, purposes, and numbers, which is certainly more than Windows and even iOS applications.
Windows in terms of Apps
If you dig deep into the Windows Phone store the number of applications you find here is much less than the Android ones. In fact, while comparing the number found here is simply the one tenth, which equate around 100,000 apps, which is certainly a small figure in comparison to one million found over the Google Apps Store. However, this simply does not mean the applications found here in Windows cannot compete with the Android in terms of purpose and variety. The fact is they have a number of apps at Windows, which compete with the Android in a big way thus equating things the best. Since the launch of Windows applications, you can find its growth has been incredible and sooner or later it will overpower the Android.
Wrapping up
The Android apps could be good in numbers and thus can be found in a wide variety, features and purposes, which may not be the case with Windows apps. However, the Windows apps can compete easily in terms of competence and purposes. Aabia is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology. Beside this she is fond of Gadgets. Recently an article on Joomla Development Services attracted her attention. These days she contributes for Internet Marketing India.